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Through supporting our program it will allow us to purchase computer equipment, supplies and increase the number of schools that we are in.

Our ultimate goal is to provide our program at no cost to schools, and eventual expand past Philadelphia into the Tristate.


At this point, we would like to raise $100,000 which would target assistance for 5-10 schools in the Philadelphia area.  For a donation of $50 or more, our donors will receive a TruSelf original baseball hat or a downloadable version of the GEM a Jazz Fusion CD produced by TruSelf Productions.

Todd Porter here, founder of Tru-Self Multimedia Mentoring program, a Supplemental Enrichment course located in Philadelphia throughout the Tri-Sate area. We provide mentoring and self-development courses, which encourage; Integrity, authenticity, responsibility, and enrichment.


Through the development of the Multimedia Program (TSP) has helped to inspire youth towards greater achievement while at the same time giving them access to the world of art and technology.

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